
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

Returning from his deployment (IRL) and the collapse of his first corporation Shun the Non Believer, kaspa101 reached out to his old friend Carneros about starting a new corporation and joining The Bastion. Carneros not too keen on a new corporation asked kaspa101 to join a trouble corporation called Osmosis Inc. Reluctant, kaspa101 agreed. He would soon realize there was not one single active member in the corporation, so he reached out to some old friends asking them join. Many friends agreed such as Dirt McNasty and Pshyco Steve—brining more friends with them.  Soon Osmosis was thriving. We’ve all heard of hostile take overs, but to execute one?

Beginnings are always messy.

With the CEO of Osmosis completely inactive it was time to execute something we’ve always heard of. A hostile takeover. Kaspa101 reached out to the old CEO stating he needed some shares to lock down some blueprints.  The CEO agreed and the plan was in motion. Votes were placed and kaspa101 was put in place as the CEO of Osmosis Inc.

Osmosis Inc just doesn’t have a ring to it and wanting steps were put into motion of a merger between Blastphemy. Here, Original Sinners was born, still flying under the banner of The Bastion of the old Cluster Fuck Coalition (CFC) which is now Imperium.

Better to be an open sinner than a false saint.

Most of the content in Original Sinners came from Late Night Lowsex. This was a problem for the Bastion as they had paplinks with graphs and E = mc².  A new home was on the horizon, we just had to find it. Kaspa101 reached out to Wibla of Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) about a transfer. Wibla didn’t seem to care about the Lowsex and welcomed Original Sinners with open arms while they departed Bastion gracefully. Original Sinners lived under the TNT banner happily for a while. But soon, this would also come to end. Original Sinners were wanting to get back to their real roots. Lowsec.

See TNT Press Release.

TNT Press release

Original Sinners were wanting to get back to their real roots. Lowsec.

Leaving the umbrella of the CFC it was decided to start their owner banner. This gave birth to Recognize. With their late night low sex friends of Light Red Unicorns things were looking up. Snuffed Out was deployed so Recognize was able to hold Tama. As to be expected, this didn’t last long once Snuff returned to Tama—swiftly kicking Recognize to the curb. It was decided a deployment should be put in place.  However, once the deployment started–Weirei Kukai (CEO of Light Red Unicorns) decided it was time for his corporation to part ways with Recognize. With Light Red Unicorns departing, Recognize closed it’s doors.


A new alliance had formed from fallout with Snuffed Out called Escalating Entropy. It was here, that the wings of Original Sinners really opened. In Black Rise, a group of drunk and high members decided to kick off a cap fight with Escalating Entropy.

We still say that we would have had won if Vogels would have jumped like he was suppose to. Thankfully, most of the caps were able to escape. However, this quickly put Sinners on Escalating Entropy’s radar which swiftly opened diplomatic channels resulting in Original Sinners joining.

RIZE alliance seems to have folded ever since they have been evicted from the Nourvokaiken gate in Tama. Their biggest corp Original Sinners joins CHAOS alliance, while a smaller corp Light Red Unicorns joins The Bastard Cartel.

EveNews24 Update


After Escalating Entropy closing, Dirt McNasty proposed joining Circle-Of-Two for a short stint for cheap capitals and isk making. Hardly any PVP went on during this time while members fatten their wallets and ship selection. Many members bought titans and supers during this period.

A Shadow of their former Cartel?

Returning to their roots, Original Sinners joined Shadow Cartel. Once a power house in Lowsec, many members were eager to fly under the Shadow banner. However, it was quickly learned that that state of Shadow Cartel was not good. Under the leadership of Gremk of The Red Island Foundation it appeared that things could go from grim to grimmer. Brothuhbob likes to tell a story that Sinners chose Shadow Cartel over him. Let it be known, this is false!

After a lot of internal drama with Gremk it was decided that Sinners must depart ways and regain our long lost Sinner.

Time for a Coalition.

Steve made contact with Lady Scarlet and submitted an application to Northern Coalition along with some help behind the scenes from Brothuhbob.

Below is the application Steve submitted.

We are a USTZ based corp with a few AUTZ and few EUTZ pilots. Currently we have 23 individual people in the corp with an average of 2-3 alts in and out of corp. A large majority of us have been flying together for about 3 years. We started out in nullsec with CFC, eventually moving to lowsec making our own alliance Recognize, and then joining Escalating Entropy. Since EE died, we tried out Co2 and just didn’t fit in at all there, and Shadow Cartel offered us a spot.      

We enjoy all forms of pvp, everything from small gang 3-5 guys to huge fights in tidi. Our corp is down to do anything if it makes something explode. During our stint in The Bastion we started doing small gang lowsec roams which attracted our current members. A lot of them came from RvB with less than 5 million sp and no real pvp experience. Now those same players enjoy dropping their Black Ops on anything they can.

All of our pilots are now capital capable in some form. We can currently field around 10 triage, as well as everyone can fly either a carrier or dread, or all three on multiple accounts. We also have 1 titan (Avatar) in corp with a second one currently moving to join us. We also have 4-5 supers (Nyxs and Aeons) as well as 3-4 more pilots with the skills and isk to buy supers. They had sold theirs when Escalating Entropy died and haven’t had a reason to replace them.

On an average night you can expect to see 7-10 people responding to pings, anything hyped for max dudes or something big tackled will usually draw 15 or more. Most of our guys login everyday if not every other day. The average age in our corp is around 30, we all have jobs and families but still manage to get at least a few free hours in the evenings to play. We don’t like the drama as it tends to cause our guys to not log in for a few days when issues have come up in the past. Generally we keep it pretty chill on comms, mostly just chatting about random stuff and cracking jokes at each other.   

One of the unique assets we bring is the cam van twitch stream. He can place 4 characters anywhere so you can monitor local numbers and undocks without moving an alt.  We also have a movie streaming site and corp forums/discord/mumble as well as various tools and bots to make life easier. All run on a private server our ceo has.   

As for corp making isk, we currently have 10 corp moons that we have been reacting off of. We also have been stocking alliance doctorin ships on contracts. Our members have been doing lvl 5s, and we have an alt corp wormhole they can use to make isk as well. Some also jist buy plex for isk since they do not enjoy pve in this game.

Recently, Shadow Cartel has had some internal drama. This has had a pretty downward spiral causing a lot the USTZ players to leave and killing a lot of the morale.  With no content creators left in the USTZ and only three active FC’s in the alliance, two of which are EUTZ based, it’s a pretty grim state atm in SC. Then with the changes coming to moons, it seems lowsec will not be a place to make isk on a corp/alliance level, also will be a lot harder to get fights from larger groups.  So we feel that we should find a new home now before our corp members leave in search of content.

Northern Coalition welcomed Original Sinners in for many fruitful years.    


Original Sinners and Criterion. Meet at Loythes wedding to discuss the idea of Freedom, and sign the Declaration of Fuck Euros. [07/04/1776, COLORIZED] Source.

The Breakup

Vince Draken: I want to apologise in advance for the behaviour of @[–SIN] Brothuhbob which includes treason and a total disregard for for the rest of the alliance. They have also been in talks for the last few days with @Criterion and have made the decision to abandon this alliance and our family Panfam. As such I have taken the decision to brand both @Criterion and @Original Sinners as traitors so with this in mind we will be switching our entire alliance focus to these to corporations and NSH. They have tried to facilitate this movement while I have been busy with the reopening of society across the UK and Europe so much so I found out from Everyone but those in these two corporations who frankly have weak leadership and follow a sociopath. As these two corporations have behaved in such a underhanded and coward like fashion as of 00:01 tonight they will be treated no different too anyone else who is hostile to us and will lose all access to NC and Panfam structures. This is then likely to include anything owned by Tapi. To ensure we remain true to ourselves and our history I will also be restricting their access to any Drone region citadels until further notice. This perhaps might feel like a hard ball reaction to a decision these corps have made however they have done done so during a period of downtime and during a period of RL rebuild. I am more than happy to discuss this with those who want to discuss this individually. Please feel free to DM me directly.

-NC Alliance Leader Vince Draken


Original Sinners Official Press Release

We would like to thank everyone who reached out to myself and the other Sinners and Criterion directors wishing us well. It helped a ton knowing we didn’t have to sink in this ship alone.

Friday, 9 June–A day that will live in infamy; Vince Draken, Executor Northern Coalition. Alliance, pinged to everyone in NCdot that my corp (Sinners) and our close friends in Critierion were “branded as traitors” and that NC would “we will be switching our entire alliance focus to these to corporations (Original Sinners and Criterion) and NSH.” This radical action was completely unwarranted and done without speaking to our directors or corp ceo’s. Vince pinged at 2200 eve (5pm Central USTZ), that our corps would be hostile at 0001 eve. This action left us to move everything we owned in just about 3 hours by the time we could reach out to all of our corp members. Instead of going full rage mode in return, we reached out to alliance leadership in an attempt to let cooler heads prevail. No allies were awoxed, nothing was stolen, and no chat logs were leaked. But before we go into that, let me clue you all in on what measures went into making sure no one was blindsided when our corps dropped the alliance.

The initial idea to look elsewhere for content and new and interesting people to unalive, only came up 2 weeks prior. Brothubob and I had the honor of being invited to another corp directors wedding and over the course of the weekend we spoke of the war and eve in general. The last night we were all together we hatched a plan between the 3 of us. To leave Northern Coalition on good terms and attack an enemy we’ve always wanted to fight but could not before. Fast forward to the 6th of July where we laid the plan out to our directors and voted on what people thought. The 7th was our internal corp meeting where we told our corp and let them ask questions and decide if this is what they want to do. The 8th of July we started to reach out to alliance leadership regarding our choice to head off any hurt feeling or bad blood that may come up. ALL alliance leaders were notified.

This leads us to the 9th and the @ everyone ping branding us as traitors to the alliance for wanting to leave the alliance and peruse other goals. I want to stress the following points. At no point did the directors of Original Sinners try to poach any corp or members from Northern Coalition or the PAPI coalition as a whole. At no point did Original Sinners take any sensitive data or mirror any forums. At no point did Original Sinners try to “sneak out of the alliance”. We intended on moving assets out the 18th of July following adequate time to notify the alliance leadership and answer any questions or give people time to speak their peace.

The decision of Vince to burn us on the way out forced us to consolidate what would’ve been a week and a half to two weeks of moving assets to 3 days. The history of the time our directors have been in NC, not once have we seen a corp treated this way before. Considering that Sinners and Crit aren’t going to a hostile alliance like SYNDA, HIRR and MVN chose to. This was following the hard work put forth from members of our corp over the time Sinners was in NC.

I would be doing them a disservice if I didn’t thank those important people who ensured we didn’t get fucked over and helped us extract or mediated our case with the alliance. One of the most reoccurring themes in our director channel over the last week was our gratitude of our friends. We know who you are and we won’t forget it.         

I suppose the bowtie to tie this story together would be that both of the corps leaving NC will join Nullsechnaya Sholupen. The leadership of NSH is a group of guys we have a lot of positive experiences with and we look forward to the adventures to come.

-Blazing Bunny

Original Sinners relationship to NSH

Original Sinners first met the core members of NSH during their time in Escalating Entropy (CHAOS) when a few main corps from NSH joined CHAOS.

The Sinners Vote

Original Sinners vote

MoveOp Ping

After a rapid exit due to some drama between a few people, the corp arrived up north with NSH. There were immediate plans by Anure and Wally paired with our newly arriving FCs to deploy to the South East to start a conflict. Once capitals were deployed a large coalition of dudes assembled to save the lowsec boys and this conflict quickly became infeasible. This paired with a terrific TFI welp, and Capital fleet feed crushed moral and interest in the region. The alliance deployed back up north and began messing around up there. Relations with FRT remained strong and some sov was shifted as well as structures being cleared. Then Anure and Wally suddenly left the alliance on a promise of “remaining around” and “on good terms.” Sinners which had left NC in part of not wanting to be in leadership, was thrust right back into leadership to their dismay.


This friendly terms with Snuff quickly was realized as complete bullshit, as Wally and a few members of Snuff started hitting NSH lowsec structures in an attempt to bait out a feed whether it was from subcaps or caps depending on what the significantly smaller NSH fielded. A decision was made among the new hastily formed leadership to not give them a fight and simply bring troll griffins. This enraged Anure who leaked the fuck out at several members to include homophobic slurs. When this was shared with the alliance members, Anure who still had a holding character having only departed a few days prior decided to revoke access to all structures to include the keepstar and kill all clones.

While initially crippling for many members, the solid relationship with FRT paid off as Noraus dropped another keepstar on it’s doorstep, and assisted with securing all Sov during a transition into a new alliance. The newly formed “Elysians” began to immediately secure assets and start clearing out structures to then replace with their own. The corp was again placed into leadership positions and lead a significant amount of actions between fleets and structures – to include a large portion of donations towards replacing peoples clones. The newfound passion for pochven also helped refill everyone’s coffers as the alliance continued on.

Within a few months though the discontent with the direction, leadership, capabilities, and leaks from the alliance was enough for Sinners to look elsewhere. An alliance meeting was called and the majority of corp directors agreed that things weren’t really improving and to split their separate ways. Everyone was assisted in moving to their desired locations safely, and assets were transferred fully to those who wished to remain.

Fuck a Cartel, Fuck a Coalition. It’s time for a LEGION.

Original Sinners is now a member of Pandemic Legion.